Here you will find all frequently asked questions

What do I get after ordering the product

You will receive an email containing the necessary identifiers to activate your subscription, as well as the installation steps depending on the device chosen..

How do I change the delivery email?

Simply contact us here indicating the order number and the new email address.

A new email will be sent within 1 to 4 hours.

What is the delivery delay?

Delivery is instant.

What are the payment options available

We accept Paypal and all types of credit cards.

Payment made but no confirmation received?

1- Make sure you have entered the correct email address.

2- Check spam.

If you have not received the email or have entered an incorrect email address contact us here.

I paid twice, how can I cancel the second order?

Cancellation is possible.

Contact us here for cancellation.

How to cancel a subscription?

Cancellation is possible without additional costs during the first 3 days.

How to change the subscription

Contact us here for the change of subscription.

Still need help?

Contact us for more information.

Contact us